News & Events
Professors' Classes is a Distinct Medical and Engineering Entrance Examinations Coaching Center established and operated by Final Touch Eucational Services, offering LIVE ONLINE Classes.
Professors' Classes offer Distinct Coaching for Medical and Engineering Entrance Examinations (NEET; KEAM; IISER; etc.).
We only offer ONLINE LIVE and Recorded classes to students from all over the world. Our well established LMS Platform give a unique experience to students in online learning.
Establish a “center of excellence” where we create an environment for
students to unleash their potential and realize their dreams.
Coach students with Committment and Passion by a team of carefuly selected experienced and budding professors in a stress-free, mutually respectable, humane and well-disciplined environment.
We have:
As part of our mission, we shall provide scholarship for economically backward and meritorious students.
Through our IIT Talent Hunt, we have offered cash prizes for first three ranks and scholarships for top five students. We shall continue to offer such rewards and scholarships to encourage students to realize their top quality higher education needs.
For more details, contact our office.
Tel: +91 94004 77777 or +91 81370 76500
If you have any enquiries, please fill out the following form to contact us. Thank you.
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